
Important steps that India should take to cope with the COVID third wave in India

COVID third wave

In India first case of COVID-19 was filled on Jan 27, 2021. To this day India has witnessed 2.9Crore cases. At present India is experiencing a second wave of COVID-19. Which is more severe than the first wave. In addition to this, it is predicted that India will soon experience a third wave inevitably. If we don’t take the necessary actions then it could be worse than the present.

There are several things that the Indian Government and we as people should take to cope with the third wave. Previously both the Indian government and people went back to the same habits and routines. After the cases declined after the first wave. Hopefully this time after the second wave, we should continue all our precautions.

How to prevent COVID-19 third wave

Vaccination Pace should be faster

If India continues the same pace of vaccination, it could take eight months before every adult gets at least one shot of vaccine. Last week, India registered 30 lakh doses a day on consecutive days.

Based on Indian government statistics, India recorded an all-time high of 45 lakh doses a day on April 5. But unfortunately, the vaccination pace has declined after that. Even at 20-30 lakh doses per day. Later it was claimed to administer 15 million doses every day.

There should be more COVID testing centers

There are not enough COVID testing centers to accommodate all the people for effective vaccination. Many people are not visiting the test centers to avoid crowds. Because they are afraid that they may contract the virus at the crowded centers. Which may lead to a fewer number of case registrations. Then it would become more difficult to stop the spreading of the virus. So more testing centers and better facilities should be arranged to successfully cope with the third wave.

Development in Healthcare services

COVID crisis made the Indian government realize the importance of development in Healthcare services. Due to the lack of oxygen cylinders, many people have died in India. Not only in rural areas but also in major cities. It shows how much we lack in healthcare services. In addition to this, many hospitals didn’t have the proper equipment and facilities to accommodate patients. If the Indian government wants to cope with the third wave, Healthcare should be its main concern.

Lack of Healthcare professionals

Not only healthcare centers but also healthcare professionals are scarce. In addition to this, the existing healthcare professionals are facing burnout due to overwork. Which may lead to reduced quality of care. So the Government should focus on increasing the number of professionals.

Even after the decrease in Cases, we should continue taking precautions

After the first wave, many people forgot to follow the precautions. We got back to our normal behaviors and routines. Which might have played a crucial role in the rapid spreading of the virus in the second wave. So it would be better if we continue sanitizing our hands, maintaining social distance, etc.

Final thoughts

Indian have a lot of work to do to cope with the third wave of COVID-19, compared to other countries. Many countries completed vaccination significantly higher than India. Indian still continue to struggle to vaccinate at full speed for these reasons. So to cope with the third wave effectively, India should pay more attention to these factors.

Written by Sandeep K

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