
June 26 International day against drug abuse, some useful steps for a drug-free life

June 26 International day against drug

Every year on June 26 is observed as International Day against Drug abuse and illicit trafficking. On this day UNODC encourages people to create awareness about drug issues. To take necessary actions to build a society and a world free of drug issues.

With the current COVID crisis, everyone has become very conscious of their health. To cope with this crisis, the entire world has adopted many changes in our daily routines and we became careful about the people around us. We need to develop the same amount of concern among people about drug-related issues. Everyone should take responsibility for their own well-being and should say no to drugs.

On this international day against drug abuse, the theme is “Share Facts On Drugs, Save Lives”. It encourages people to share valid information about drug abuses and health risks. Valid information from trusted sources like UNODC.

UNODC states that you should share research findings, evidence-based data, and life-saving facts. To raise awareness among people about the severity of drug usage.

If you know anyone suffering from drug abuse and wants to keep your loved one out of this devastating habit, then you should take the necessary precautions to cope with drugs.

Here are some steps that everyone should consider to cope with drug triggers and stress.

1.Avoid people who use drugs

There is a famous saying that you become an average of five people that you spend time with. So you should be very careful about who you spend your time with. Make sure that you surround yourself with people that encourage your sobriety.

2.Build healthy habits

It’s easy to fall into your destructive habits if you have nothing to do or it’s just boring. The best way to deal with boredom and impulses is to develop some healthy habits. Join a gym, go out, pick a hobby or just read something. Anything that keeps you occupied, for the time being, will work for you.

3.Take support

If you are spending most of your time alone, then contact someone you love or go and meet someone you trust. Everyone has someone in their life that they rely on when things get hard. You can always count on that person in hard times. Speak with them, ask for their support, and ask them to spend some time with you for some time. If it is not possible to meet in person, then talk to them online.

4.Adopt a pet

If you are someone who spends most of your time alone, then it is best to adopt a pet. Pets are a great solution for your loneliness. They help you cope with depression and anxiety. Caring for your pet and spending time with pets makes you feel loved and cared for. It always feels great to receive their unconditional love.

5.Set meaningful goals

The most effective way to make your life more exciting is to have some goals and work towards them. Having a goal in mind enables you to think effectively, make better decisions, and develop mental strength. A goal can be anything, learning a new skill or developing a new routine or habit. Nowadays there are plenty of resources at the tip of your hand with the help of online you can access anything. Take advantage of technology.

Develop a healthy lifestyle to become drug-free. Because you only live once, don’t let drugs ruin it.

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Written by Sandeep K


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