
Say goodbye to Stress and Anxiety with Meditation practices

Meditation practices

We know it is not the first time you heard about meditation and its benefits. A study conducted by Delhi-based, The Center of Healing(TCOH) revealed that 74% of Indians are suffering from stress, and 88% of the Indian population suffering from anxiety issues. The numbers are continuously increasing day by day.

In addition, the corporate world has become an integral part of our lives with work from home culture. Moreover, continuous exposure to news and social media platforms were doing more harm than good. So it is crucial for all of us to increase awareness of our mental well-being.

Meditation is an ancient gift from India to the world. It is believed that it originated in India later every neighboring country adopted and made it an essential part of their spiritual practices. Meditation practice allows you to experience many mental benefits. Which helps you perform your best at whatever you do.

Meditation reduces stress

Many people who practice meditation initially started their practice to cope with stress levels. It is scientifically proven that meditation reduces stress and calms your mind. Doing a daily practice of meditation helps you reduce cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone in the body. Also, reduce other stress-related issues in the body like muscle tension and brain fatigue.

Meditation reduces anxiety attacks

Anxiety attacks are one of the most overlooked problems by people. If not attended at the right time, it may lead to a dangerous stroke. Just a simple 10 minutes of meditation practice can reduce your anxiety levels significantly. Through meditation, you get used to how your breathing works. Anxiety mainly affects your breathing and then causes muscle tension in the body. Meditation lets you take control of your breath, keeping you active and in control.

Your concentration and focus improves

Meditation’s primary focus is not to chain your thoughts but to allow them to flow freely and still not be affected by them. With meditation, your overall concentration increases. By sitting silently for a few minutes daily gets you into a state where your thoughts get still over time. Your mind wanders less and you get better control over your thoughts. As a result, you can have more attention span and focus. You can focus more on the task at hand without distracting yourself.

Improves brain function

Scientific study shows that meditation can help you preserve the brain’s aging process. Also, it helps your brain to function more optimally. Daily practice of meditation improves and preserves the brain’s grey matter. Which is responsible for memory, emotions, self-control and enhances a better decision-making process. Within a short time, you can observe that you are in better control of your emotions. Also, your brain process and critical thinking process improves.

Increases Self-Awareness and help you cope with addiction

Meditation increases your awareness of your thoughts, body, and your surroundings. You perceive things better by thinking more from a broader perspective. Also, it increases your emotional intelligence. Many rehabilitation centers recommend meditation as one of the effective processes to fight addictions. Nowadays, being self-aware has many advantages. Advantages like better productivity, decision making, and improving your social and interpersonal skills.

Written by Sandeep K

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