
“Elon Musk supports Epic” Calls Apple store fees as “Global tax on the Internet”

Elon Musk supports Epic

Apple store and Epic games were fighting with each other over high fees for a long time. Now Elon musk has joined Epic game’s point of view. Elon Musk supported Epic games and called out the Apple Store for its unbearable tax fees. Musk even called Apple store high fees for developers as Global tax on the Internet.

Following that several twitter users have supported musk and Epic games point of view. Musk’s tweets went viral and made everyone question Apple’s high fees. If you want to understand the matter clearly, let’s start from here.

Both Android and Apple have millions of apps in their stores. Everyone is well aware of using these apps. We are already using plenty of apps for different purposes. From doing meditation in the morning to schedule our next day at night for everything we use apps.

Many apps offer different functionalities to make both Android and Apple users’ lives better. Also, we have both free and paid apps we can install from these stores. But have you ever thought about how much money these app stores charge for app developers. There has been a battle going on between app developers and app stores for a long time.

Apple store is very well known for im[posing unbearable fees on app developers. One such example is Epic games. Who are the makers of Fortnite who have been fighting against the Apple store. Because of the Apple store’s high fees, many app developers have suffered. Epic games even filed a lawsuit against Apple last year.

At one point Epic games introduced an in-app payment system in Fortnite to escape Apple’s commissions. Which was against Apple’s rules, so Apple removed Fortnite from its Apple app store. Both of them even went to court to justify their point of view. It is still going and everyone is curious about the court’s decision.

Moreover, the battle between Apple and App developers has been heating up for a long time now. Soon it will burst like a volcano and we will hear whether Apple will back down or not.

However, day by day Epic games is getting a lot of support from other app developers and several industry experts. Indeed, Apple is making huge commissions from in-app purchases. Apple App store will charge a 30% commission from all in-app purchases. Which is very huge for app developers.

Now Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, SpaceX has come forth and supported Epic games. He even tweeted that Apple’s App store fees as ” a de facto global tax on the Internet. Epic is right”

This means Musk also shared the same viewpoint of Epic that Apple is taking unfair advantage of app developers. His tweets are getting a lot of attention from app developers and industry experts. Also, it is quite worth noting that this is the first time Elon has criticized Apple directly.

Tesla doesn’t have any Android or Apple store apps as of now. So it’s not affected by it. But Elon musk is taking this matter very seriously. But let’s see what will happen in the future. Whether Apple will offer any fair offer for its app developers or not.

Written by Sandeep K

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